Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Excited to be on the First Year Japanese class!

Hi everyone, I'm Qian Xu and I'm Chinese.

I've always been very interested in the Japanese Language. I like Japanese animation, drama series, and I want to understand the text on the package of Japanese cosmetics! :p In fact, I tried to pick up some during college, but unfortunately I was so self-disciplinary as I thought I could be :(

This time, by joining your guys in the first year Japanese course, I can stick to the learning pattern and hopefully make some real progress.

Actually I find myself somewhat frustrated about memorizing characters in the Hiragana. This is not the first time I carefully studied them, but they are like new to me again! Why do they all look like the same >.< I think I'll have to spend more time, practice more, and catch up with the rest of the class.

(Simplified Chinese: Glad to be in the First Year Japanese class! Hopefully we can try hard together and make progress every day! Thank you sensei for your kindness and patience in your teaching!)

(Well well, do Chinese characters and Kanji look alike? They do, but they also have significant differences. Kanji is more similar to traditional Chinese, but what we use is simplified Chinese. (Well the Taiwanese and Hong Kong people use the traditional ones) And the pronunciations are totally different! So I have an advantage at wring kanji but the downside is that every time I see kanji I read them as Chinese characters in my mind, which is very bad for memorizing their sounds! T.T)


  1. Xuさん、どうぞよりしく!

    好像我们学日文的经验很类似吧 --由于我是哥伦比亚大学的中国古代文学研究生,因此我也从一个已经认识汉字的角度来学日文的。我也觉得hiragana与kanatana的形体很难学好;但是,跟同学们一起努力,天天进步就可以啦!好好儿加油 :)

  2. ひらがな は むずかしい です、 ね?! I know hiragana seems difficult now, but I'm sure you'll be fine!

  3. Hi! I'm glad to hear that you are in both class and lab! I took first year of Chinese last year and now I'm taking Japanese :) I think hiragana may be easier than memorizing all of those long Chinese characters... haha hopefully. See you later!

  4. シューさんこんにちは。わたしのなまえはたかはしちかこです。
    I really enjoyed your post. I am Japanese but stopped watching Japanese TV shows and movies to focus on learning English a few years ago. But now hearing about those interesting animation and TV shows, I wanna watch some of them now!! :) The Gintama you described sounds very interesting. I will look it up online when I go home.
    And yeah, Chinese characters and Japanese Kanji is different. I found that out when I took Chinese class (only 3 times though). I used to make many mistakes because they look similar but different. But I believe, as you practice, you will get used to reading and using Hiragana/Katakana :)

